- Do you have a Profit Report.
Yes the ATS-ZB32 has a Profit Report.
- Can I still get a Free Trial.
Yes click here Free Trial to get the Free Trial.
- How much does the ATS-ZB32 cost.
The ATS-ZB32 is NOT for Sale.
- How can I get the ATS-ZB32 to make money.
Get the Trading Lease to start trading.
- How much does the Trading Lease cost.
The ATS-ZB32 makes over $25,000 per contract.
There is no cost to get the Trading Lease.
- How is the Trading Lease paid for.
The Lease is granted on a Profit Sharing basis.
These are the Terms and Conditions.
- How do we use the system to make money.
Run the system on Friday after the close.
Follow all the Trading Signals.
Including the signals from the Trend Function.
- How do we use the system
Follow these 4 Simple Steps.
- How do I use the system to Trade.
The system comes with full instructions in the 'Help'.
Read the Help then if you have questions contact ATS.
- The system is available to traders
who can trade 5+ contracts.
You can start with less and reinvest some of the profits.
- When is the Roll Over to the next trading month done.
The Roll Over is done during the week of the 22nd.
- Do I need a platform to use the system.
NO, the ATS-ZB32 is stand alone.
- What markets does the system trade.
The system trades the 30 Year US T-Bond(ZB).
You can use the signals to trade the 10 Year T-Notes(ZN).
- How was the ATS-ZB32 developed.
The ATS-ZB32 was developed from the ATS-3200.
The ATS-3200 made 130% from 1983 to 2023.
- When was "ATS" started.
"ATS" was started in 1996 with the ATS-3200.
The performance was over 200% many times.
Check the ATS-3200 in Futures Truth Top-Ten Tables.
- Can the system be Auto Traded by my broker.
The system can ONLY be traded by the customer.
There are 2-Groups of Traders
The Psychology of a Successful Trader.
Contact "ATS" if you need help.
Advanced Trading Systems Inc.